
About DJUG.org

DenverJUG is a free, informal, all-volunteer, group of Denver Java enthusiasts. We rely on community participation. We need your involvement, ideas, thoughts, and help if we are to continue to provide quality technical education and events now and into the future!

Denver Java Users Group brings you leaders and specialists in Java technologies for first hand exposure to code, best practices, tools, methodologies, and cutting-edge solutions. Meetings are free and open to the public. You can now find us on Meetup, twitter ( @denverjug ) on FaceBook, on our Denver Java User Group Yahoo Group and we have an iCalendar which will allow the subscriber to receive updates automatically via their BlackBerry, iPhone, iPod Touch, or Outlook via a Google Calendar.

Here’s the iCalendar link:

We are also transitioning to a new website using WordPress. When that is done we’ll redirect this URL to the new site.
Here is where the WordPress blog is: http://djug.wordpress.com/


The first DenverJUG meeting was held in November, 1995, as a venue for technical discussion of the Java language, API, applets and applications.


Our goal is to educate users of Java technology, promote the use of Java, provide a venue for discussion and exchange of ideas, provide mentoring opportunities among group members, address technical issues, and create a community for Java developers in the Denver area.


Membership is Free! It’s that easy. To join DenverJUG, all you need to do is to attend the meetings. We encourage members to subscribe to the DenverJUG mailing list. Help us reach our goal of over 1,000 members! Join for FREE…

Volunteer Board Members

The board was originally the founders of the organization.  The board members volunteer their time. Board members are at every meeting if you have feedback or ideas. You can also send us an email: denverjug @ yahoo dot com


Speakers are needed for both the main meeting and the basic concepts group. Our speakers generally use the technology or service on which they are speaking, rather than trying to sell it. Our audience looks for practical advice from a hands-on guru. If you are a vendor, consider proposing a speaker appropriate to a technical audience. Availability is reflected on our meetings page, which lists the topics for upcoming months. The presentations should be tailored to a technical audience, rather than a business audience, and should assume some fundamental knowledge of the subject. We generally schedule several months in advance. Because we are a volunteer organization and rely solely on in-kind donations and sponsorships, speakers are not paid.


We rely on sponsors for food/drink, raffle items, meeting facilities, and support. You will reach a targeted and grateful audience.



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