Lightning Talks + Holiday Party

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Hosted by Pivotal


5:30-6:00: Food, Soda, Beer and Networking

6:00-6:15: Announcements

6:15-8:15: Lightning Talks!  

Talks for this meetup will be 10 minutes each, with a 5 minute transition period between them. These are in no particular order.

1. Principal Architect by David Ayers

Get Commit-Ted – A lightning talk about why writing your commit comments is as important as writing good, clean code

2. Parsing PDFs: From “Hello World” to Cease-and-Desist by Robin Howlett

How Apache PDFBox helped me get a meeting with the CEO of a $3B company

3. Restoring sanity to integration & functional testing with TestContainers by Benjamin Muschko

In this talk, we’ll have a look at setting up and running integration & functional tests with the help of the open source library TestContainers. You will learn how to stand up lightweight, disposable Docker instances running your application as reliable test fixtures.

4. Introduction to Apache Openwhisk serverless platform by Upkar Lidder

This will be a quick introduction to Serverless concepts including Actions and Triggers on the OpenWhisk Serverless open source platform. Apache OpenWhisk (Incubating) is an open source, distributed Serverless platform that executes functions (fx) in response to events at any scale. OpenWhisk manages the infrastructure, servers and scaling using Docker containers so you can focus on building amazing and efficient applications. Upkar Lidder is a Full Stack Developer and Data Wrangler with a decade of development experience in a variety of roles.

5. 10 minutes with GraphQL in Spring Boot by Butch Clark

Get an overview of how easy it is to implement a GraphQL interface in Spring Boot.

6. Bug Hunting with Git Bisect by Mike Kasberg

How to use git-bisect to pinpoint the cause of a bug.

7. Akka Streams – Moving and Transforming Data by Regina Peyfuss

Akka Streams is a library to process and transfer a sequence of elements using bounded buffer space. Translated to everyday terms it is possible to express a chain of processing entities, each executing independently (and possibly concurrently) from the others while only buffering a limited number of elements at any given time.

8. How NOT to Restore a VW Bus by Matt Raible

I restored a 1966 21-window VW Bus. It’s awesome, but the journey was long and painful.

8:15: Door Prizes and Ugly Sweater Contest

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